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Monday, May 17, 2010

Deffufa - man made mud/brick structure

A great deal of time has passed me by - resulting in my blogging absence, however I'm back with lots of fresh new stories.

Keep your eyes glued to your screens over the next 4 weeks, while I share my knowledge.

I enjoy watching DOCUMENTARIES, especially if they have ties to the world of architecture, as did the one ill be chatting about. Located just outside the city of Kerma, Sudan, North Africa one will find a place/object called DEFFUFA.

DEFFUFA is one of the worlds biggest if not the largest man made mud/brick structure. This large volume of PURE masonry adds to the geography of the surrounding area. See the attached images:

This massive mound was believed to have been built as a temple, whether for sacrifice or not? we cannot be certain as it belonged to the ancient Nubian people.

Africa is said to be the birth place of mankind. Yet we know more about other countries histories than our own.

(images from google)

Part 1 of 3

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